Four persons cheat Surat diamond trader Anil Patel of Rs 1.22 crore. Accused identified as Shambhav Shah, Mitesh Shah, Ghanshyam Tagadiya, and Dilip Talaviya. Patel files police complaint. Accused charged with breach of trust, cheating, and criminal conspiracy. Patel, a partner in a diamond manufacturing firm in Varachha, Mumbai office in BKC. Details of the case and events leading to the fraud.
Research on enhancing the physical and mental health of diamond polishers in Surat reveals occupational health hazards and introduces cost-effective comfort-enhancing products. Learn how ergonomically designed tools can benefit both employees and employers in the diamond polishing industry.
Learn the art of making jackets at the workshop organized by MSU Institute of Fashion Technology. Enhance your skills in jacket making and design components.
Explore the virtual heritage tour of Vadodara, showcasing the educational legacy established by Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III. This copyrighted journey takes you through six heritage buildings, preserving their invaluable history.
M S University’s Faculty of Family and Community Sciences campus will witness a spectacular 75 saree draping event on Wednesday marking 75 years legacy of the university. MSU’s Institute of Fashion Technology is organizing the ‘75 saree draping event’ as a tribute to the indigenous roots, India’s rich culture and commitment to sustainability. The event showcases an array of Indian saree drapes by 75 students of textile and apparel design with a total participation of 250 students including live modals and a documentation team. The event is a blend of tradition and contemporary design, encapsulating the timeless beauty of Indian attire.