Villagers in Cley-Next-The-Sea, Norfolk, complained that the £800,000 timber-clad house built for Adam Spiegel, 54, and his wife Charlotte, 52, looked like a fortress or even a Travelodge hotel .
The Bennett-Lapid government
has unleashed Avigdor Lieberman to inflict pain on working chareidi mothers
It was midwinter 2013 when the so-called “Covenant of Brothers” an unlikely alliance between left-wing Yair Lapid and hawkish Naftali Bennett blazed a path through Israeli politics. The pact was meant to herald a new era of progress for Israel’s middle-class majority. But the fraternal bond between the two freshmen party leaders was also meant to guarantee that they wouldn’t be left out in the political cold by Bibi Netanyahu.
It wasn’t long before it became clear where the pair’s brotherly love ended. In the coalition negotiations with the Likud–Yisrael Beitenu bloc led by Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman, Lapid declared loud and clear: “I won’t sit in government with the chareidim.” And for the next two years, under the tender mercies of Yair Lapid’s economic stewardship, the brothers inflicted financial pain on chareidi men, women, and children t