the vaccine itself. researchers at yale looked at covid death rates in florida and ohio before and after the covid vaccines made available. they found that while the death rates were pretty comparable before the vaccine became available, after the vaccine became available democrats stopped dying as much as march while republicans kept dying a lot. the excess death rate for republicans was 43% higher than that of democrats. and now, as we are yet another covid surge, still here is ron desantis, handpicked surgeon july to pataki about vaccines yesterday. frankly i think it doesn t have any integration at some level with the human genome because these vaccines are honestly there the antichrist of all products. the antichrist of all products? yesterday surgeon general
states, including my state of texas. thousands of needless deaths because people refused covid vaccines because they believe the misinformation. what he is talking about is the fact that many vaccines, because they are biologics do have residual amounts of fragments of dna, not genes that cause cancer but fragments of dna and they are generally in the pikeville graham to nanogram range for those of you who don t use metro system a lot, that s one trillions of a gram. those are random fragments. but getting that into actually sales and into the nucleus is a tough job. that s why we have dna vaccines right now because dna fragments have to transfer to two membranes, the outer membrane or the sound in the nuclear membrane. that s why we have special devices to get dna vaccine in. so the amount of any pikeville graham, one trillion thug ram fragments of dna that can get
into the nucleus is very tiny if at all and then we have special innate immune system proteins that prevented from integrating so even if that happens 99% or more is not going to integrate into the dna. the bottom line is, this is just a scare tactic to scare people away from taking mrna vaccines. they re extremely safe. there s no evidence of dna integration. and it s important now more than ever, just about to save your life. to keep you out of the hospital. why? because this new jn.1 variant that is now rising across the nation, and we re up to thousands of hospitalizations again, you need this new annual immunization which specifically tailored for the variants that are circulating. and if you don t take it you are a risk of hospitalization again. so why he would send out this message at all and why it s under this message that this time when we are desperate to convince americans, only about 90% of americans have even
covid death rates in florida and ohio before and after the covid vaccines were made available. they found that while the death rates were pretty comparable before the vaccine became available, after the vaccine became available democrats stopped dying as much as march while republicans kept dying a lot. the excess death rate for republicans was 43% higher than that of democrats. and now, as we are yet another covid surge, still here is ron desantis, handpicked surgeon july to pataki about vaccines yesterday. frankly i think it doesn t
ladder poll called for a full halt in the use of all am are a covid vaccines incited the very debunked allegations that they could somehow alter your dna. joining us to help us understand why that doesn t make any sense at all, is dr. peter hotez, professor of pediatrics and molecular virology and microbiology, the author of the deadly rise of deadly science, scientists warning. this is a man who i have talked to literally from the days before covid was spreading. peter, good to see you again. thank you for being with us. can you help us understand what the florida surgeon general is warning about vaccines indian a? yeah. the bottom line is it s misinformation. as you rightly point out, it s not the kind of misinformation that caused so many americans to lose their lives in red