Why the discharge policy and home isolation is set at 7 days - ICMR Chief replies - RT-PCR tests will continue to be positive even after day 8 as certain non-infective RNA particles will continue to shed causing results to be positive
Google Map of Brain Signatures the Advent of Molecular Technology
The exact location of millions of RNA molecules inside the tissues can now be mapped with a nanoscale resolution for the first time using a newly-developed technology
The so-called expansion technology allows exploring mechanisms of various complex diseases, especially Alzheimer s disease, and cancer
The invention of this new technology may mark the dawn of an age where creating the complete molecular maps of tissues from individuals shall be feasible
Exact location of millions of RNA molecules inside the tissues can now be mapped with a nanoscale resolution for the first time using a newly-developed technology, as per the researchers from Bar-Ilan University, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which is published in the journal