It s totally unexpected : Former students surprise struggling teacher Share Updated: 3:37 AM PST Mar 12, 2021 Jocelyn Brumbaugh Share Updated: 3:37 AM PST Mar 12, 2021
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Show Transcript When Jose Fierro well opens the door to his 1997 Ford Thunderbird LX, he has to be very, very careful not to push it. I want to make sure the battery is good. He uses this device to test the battery because he relies on the cars electric to power his laptop. Mr V, as he s affectionately known, is a substitute teacher and tutor, and he s been living in this car in Fontana for a long time. It s about eight years, I think, since I started working for the District in 2013 because he s a substitute. His hours were entirely cut in the early days of the pandemic, and like many other immigrants, he sacrificed a lot to provide for his family. I couldn t possibly support my family and extended family in Mexico entrance an apartment in here at the