at a problem, the more it s noto working. he, as leo says, yesre money y,o fraud and he s unfortunately crop dusting. every single thing that hep du touches there in that state. the best thing for the state,, the best thing fostate. the homeless, would be for hime. to leave. yeah, but you know, this is a guy, jimmy , i swear to you, he wakes up every, i morning. swn the mirror and he says, good morning, president . r an that s the guy this is wo is right. there is . there is .presiden well, listen, the bar has been thll, listen, the bar has been i mean, i might throw my hat in the ring if it weren t for. the background check. bulet t let s talk about it for a second. you know, i got to correct wok everybody here on screen. california is a very woke state. you re not supposed to sayle homeless. they re called free range people. now, you can t say homeless. here s here s what s so absurd. okay what is s, it s twelve hun units. there s over one hundred anda cu sixty thousand