finished at home? - ring before bath time is finished at home?- ring before bath time is finished at home? the other side of chris finished at home? the other side of chris mason s - finished at home? the other side of chris mason s life. i so what was it like standing in downing streetjust before borisjohnson came to the podium? you could see, like all the staffers and you could see his few remaining supportive mps. they were all sort of hugging each other, looking. what was it like? yeah, and his wife and their daughter in a little sling thing. you just get a sense in those moments of the kind of human and then the political and then the constitutional, because they re all wrapped up in the same thing. and, you know, borisjohnson coming out to the podium, and, you know, a man who s crushed a man who s gone from winning a colossal majority less than three years ago to being out on his ear. and felt a little bit defensive about it, as we ll hear now. in the last few days,
died in hospital in spain, he was 79. nearly four decades of power, marred by allegations of nepotism and corruption, his family enormously wealthy. at 10pm, jane hill will be here with a full round up of the day s news. first, newscast. newscast from the bbc. hello. it s adam in the studio. emma here. and it s chris. chris, i m looking at your phone to see if someone s going to phone with, like, a historic message as we re recording this podcast. because ijust, i assume that just what happens to you all the time now. you got to deliver for newscast as well. yeah. no, i m afraid. exactly. nothing other than are you going to ring before bath time is finished at home? 0h, mikejust managed to do that once we finished the other side of chris mason s life. so what was it like standing in downing streetjust before borisjohnson came to the podium? you could see all the staffers and you could see his few remaining supportive mps. they were all sort of hugging each other, looking. wha
i m proud that we ve led i in the world on this subject, and i really am and i do a lot of work on it. i but at the same time, | at the same time, that brilliant success was going on, because of, you know, - errors, avoidable errors i in westminster, the public, large swathes of the public probably missed what was| happening from that point i of cop26 and all they heard about were tory mps doing, you know, silly things - around their friend who had| been know, had been found to have done things illegitimately around lobbying. now, look, i played my own part in that, i m not, you know, i i voted for the whip on that occasion. i so i m not now disclaiming my own responsibility. i my personal view at the time and it still remains the view. was that clearly there were i problems with the procedure that existed. it was probably unwise for usl to try and do that at the same time as an excellent complaint. that was our mistake. but i think it s a very. good example of how, you know, this pre
avoidable errors in westminster, the public, large swathes- of the public probably missed - what was happening from that point of cop26 and all they heard| about were tory mps doing, you know, silly things around their friend who had been know, had been found to have done things. illegitimately around lobbying. now, look, i played my own part in that, i m not, you know, - i voted for the whip on that occasion. i so i m not now disclaiming my own responsibility. - my personal view at the time and it still remains the view was that - clearly there were problems - with the procedure that existed. it was probably unwise for us to try and do that at the same time - as an excellent complaint. that was our mistake. but i think it s a very. good example of how, you know, this premiership, this government s had real. successes, but also been undone by some of the flaws as well. - bim, thank you for your time at the end of a very busy week. thank you. - you know what? the thing that kind of ra