Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Yashodhara Raje Scindia said that as per the wish of Chief Minister Shri Chouhan, Khelo MP Youth Games-2023 will be organised in the month of September. Scindia was reviewing the preparations for the Khelo MP Youth Games with the departmental officers on
Four more national youth records went down in weightlifting, of which three were created by Haryana weightlifter Sanjana alone, as Maharashtra continued to top the medal tally with 44 golds, at the end of Day 11 of the ongoing Khelo India Youth .
Delhi's Sonam and Rajasthan's Sidharth Choudhary excelled as two more national youth records fell on day seven of the Khelo India Youth Games (KIYG) 2022 Madhya Pradesh and both of them came in track and field competitions at the T.T. Nagar .