Chinese Communist Party-run media outlets are making the case to “abolish policing” in the United States, capitalizing on the far-left’s new and radical, Marxist talking points. The American left has been all-too-willing, like during the Cold War, to promote the goals of a foreign and hostile power. This time, it’s the Chinese Communist Party. The April 30th op-ed – “Police violence won’t end until we commit to public safety” – also relies on a popular left-wing argument for ditching the institution: the practice developed from slave patrols and is, therefore, inherently racist. “Not until policing is seen for what it is, a tool to maintain an unequal social order and not an institution sworn and committed to public safety, can we begin to get solutions that move us in the direction of justice,” the op-ed in China Global Television Network (CGTN) posits.
Agents Intercept Smuggling Attempt on Colorado River
Agents Intercept Smuggling Attempt on Colorado River
Release Date: April 28, 2021
YUMA, Ariz. – Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents intercepted a smuggling attempt on the Colorado River Monday morning.
At approximately 9 a.m., agents conducted a consensual encounter of a suspicious boat at the Martinez Lake Marina and discovered nine migrants inside. The migrants appeared to be using the Colorado River to bypass immigration checkpoints.
Agents arrested nine migrants inside of a boat parked at the Martinez Lake MarinaDivers with the Border, Search, Trauma and Rescue team conducted a search of the water and recovered potential evidence.