DIMAPUR Naga organisations including Poumai Naga Tsiidoumai Me (Poumai Students’ Union), Thiimziih Teen Bujuur Ruwrkheh (Moyon Naga Students’ Union), Sirti Thiimjiitam Sourkhe (Monsang Naga Students’ Union) and Kohima Village Youth Organisation (KVYO) have condemned the demolition of Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) office at the Naga Club building in the early hours of Saturday. “This heinous act goes against the very principle of humanity and the aspirations of the Naga people in particular. We express our strong disapproval to such barbaric actions and call upon the law-enforcing agencies to promptly initiate appropriate legal proceedings against those perpetrators and their act of goondaism,” read press release from Poumai Naga Tsiidoumai Me. “KVYO condemns the hate and fear that motivates such disgraceful acts. The destruction in the midst of controversy and the random destruction of historical records of the NSF is irreplaceable,” KVYO stated in a condemn