RUMOURS had been rife among the civil servants in London for weeks: they were going to be relocated somewhere up north, to a place beginning with D, as part of the Government’s plans to boost the economy of provincial towns. When the news was confirmed, they didn’t learn about it through Twitter, as the Treasury officials learned on Wednesday from the Chancellor that their new “economic campus” was going to be in Darlington. It was brought to the civil servants of the pensions and salaries departments of the Department of Education and Science, based in Canons Park in north London, by their staff magazine.
Chris Lloyd watches the Chancellor in action as our region is singled out in the Budget for pioneering initiatives and praise CHANCELLORS usually describe their annual statements as a Budget for business, or a Budget for hard working families, perhaps a Budget for growth. This was a Budget for the tsunami of Tees Valley Tories which has swept from Cleveland coast to Durham dale in the last five years. Treasury jobs to Darlington, a freeport for Teesside and the mouth of the river identified as the venue of the next generation of offshore windfarms. Plus Universal Credit uplift maintained, furlough scheme extended, high street business rates suspended.