A 35-year-old property dealer was stabbed to death on Sunday allegedly by his business partner and two others in a speeding SUV, a Nagpur police official said.
Four men-identified as students named Salman Faris, who was driving the vehicle, Nasim Abbas, Salmanul Faris and Mohammed Nusaif from Kerala- could be seen hanging out of a moving car in Bengaluru and dancing in a video shared on X (formerly Twitter).
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Some might call Karl Hirsch a hero. A Fort Lauderdale cop, Hirsch used his patrol cruiser to help stop a moving car that had two little girls in the backseat and no driver. But instead of praise, Hirsch got a 20-hour unpaid suspension. The Jan. 26 incident caused no injuries, but triggered an Internal Affairs investigation ordered by Police Chief Patrick Lynn. On May .