Meghan s comment that she was told South Africans "rejoiced in the streets" over her marriage comparing it to Mandela s release from prison has been criticized.
bullying. it ranges from office referrals to expulsion. documents leaked by edward snowden accuses the agency of secretly tapping yahoo and google servers. that s the nsa having access to e-mails, video and audio for millions of users. this even as the pope was buzzed. the agency only uses attorney general approved processes in data collection. actor rob lowe talking about killing kennedy. he talked about the movie p and any possible backlash in hollywood for doing a project written by bill o reilly. these pin heads in hollywood don t like me at all. come on, lowe.
principles are and how they are very much at stake not just in this election, but in our country, in our culture. and they were excited about some of the things i said and laid out on the campaign trail and they said, let s take this and do a movie p who we are and who we are as americans, what our founders created, that made us different, for example, than the french revolution. there is lot about the french revolution, how they went in one direction with their revolution. we went another. i would make the argument that those who are trying to transform america today are heading down the road of the french revolution as opposed to the road to god had given rights and freedom, being with the people instead of centralized in a central place at the french revolution report to do do. gretchen: it s called our sacred honor. rick santorum is the voice behind it and so many others. you might want to check it out. thanks very much. go to our sacred honor gretchen: all rig