So what could go wrong. [laughter]. Thank you. Thank you for coming and we have a lot of people here today. As you probably recognize by now, we have to socially distance and follow other sorts of guidelines and regulations today. So thank you for your patience. And thank you for following those. We have here today with us Jeffrey Sutton, its an honor to have him here. Fluid last night right through the storm. So we are grateful that he got here safely and that we are able to have this event today. Jeffrey sutton is a judge for the sixth circuit where he serves since 2003 news nominated by george w. Bush. His former general of ohio, in private practice, and is clerked for several judges including Justice Antonin Scalia as essential gives new book targeted so todays event, the essential scalia. That is the new book that he edited another friend of ours who has been here not too long ago and also talked about another scalia book brightest of all about scullion in this chapter. It and Jef