Me be blunt. We are speaking about building a system which we call mass incarceration. We have many of people who dont need to be locked up and that is to provide public safety. Thats one of the reasons i see bail as so critical. Its not a sexy topic. Its one of the reasons its languaged for decades. Its really the beginning that leads to incarceration and i would suggest to you that what happens beginning with the failure of the bail reform effort of 60s to achieve a constitutional right to bail. I would like to come back to that because if the Constitutional Rights can find to incarcerate, they can talk about bail. I think what is so dangerous about that moment and it came to a surface in the bail reform act of 1984, the federal law, the birth of preventative detention which one thought was clearly unconstitutional and then became a public good that changed the whole view of a system. Now we live in a justice preemptive justice, but they will commit other crimes in the future. I woul
Because if the Constitutional Rights can find to incarcerate, they can talk about bail. I think what is so dangerous about that moment and it came to a surface in the bail reform act of 1984, the federal law, the birth of preventative detention which one thought was clearly unconstitutional and then became a public good that changed the whole view of a system. Now we live in a justice preemptive justice, but they will commit other crimes in the future. I would say if we all now agree or at least many of us agree with Justice Kennedy that the result has been a prison system that is barbaric that doesnt belong in a Civilized Society and serious atonement and i think you would recognize in the california prisons to meet that. Let me say why its a risk. Its always so reasonable to see risk as a way on out of these. I dont think i need to remind those in the room that an entire population were incarcerated for risk. Nobody was held accountable for it either. If you look at the way this is a
Because if the Constitutional Rights can find to incarcerate, they can talk about bail. I think what is so dangerous about that moment and it came to a surface in the bail reform act of 1984, the federal law, the birth of preventative detention which one thought was clearly unconstitutional and then became a public good that changed the whole view of a system. Now we live in a justice preemptive justice, but they will commit other crimes in the future. I would say if we all now agree or at least many of us agree with Justice Kennedy that the result has been a prison system that is barbaric that doesnt belong in a Civilized Society and serious atonement and i think you would recognize in the california prisons to meet that. Let me say why its a risk. Its always so reasonable to see risk as a way on out of these. I dont think i need to remind those in the room that an entire population were incarcerated for risk. Nobody was held accountable for it either. If you look at the way this is a
Bail as so critical. Its not a sexy topic. Its one of the reasons its languaged for decades. Its really the beginning that leads to incarceration and i would suggest to you that what happens beginning with the failure of the bail reform effort of 60s to achieve a constitutional right to bail. I would like to come back to that because if the Constitutional Rights can find to incarcerate, they can talk about bail. I think what is so dangerous about that moment and it came to a surface in the bail reform act of 1984, the federal law, the birth of preventative detention which one thought was clearly unconstitutional and then became a public good that changed the whole view of a system. Now we live in a justice preemptive justice, but they will commit other crimes in the future. I would say if we all now agree or at least many of us agree with Justice Kennedy that the result has been a prison system that is barbaric that doesnt belong in a Civilized Society and serious atonement and i think
Reasons its languaged for decades. Its really the beginning that leads to incarceration and i would suggest to you that what happens beginning with the failure of the bail reform effort of 60s to achieve a constitutional right to bail. I would like to come back to that because if the Constitutional Rights can find to incarcerate, they can talk about bail. I think what is so dangerous about that moment and it came to a surface in the bail reform act of 1984, the federal law, the birth of preventative detention which one thought was clearly unconstitutional and then became a public good that changed the whole view of a system. Now we live in a justice preemptive justice, but they will commit other crimes in the future. I would say if we all now agree or at least many of us agree with Justice Kennedy that the result has been a prison system that is barbaric that doesnt belong in a Civilized Society and serious atonement and i think you would recognize in the california prisons to meet tha