How Can Retailers Work Toward Zero-Waste Delivery? March 16, 2021 at 8:42 AM EDT By Philip Manzano, Routific
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Meeting customer expectations is often easier said than done. And during the COVID-19 pandemic, where consumers have been doing more online shopping than ever before, meeting those expectations means incorporating a smooth home delivery experience with sustainability in mind.
Online consumers are continuing to show a deep interest in sustainability. A 2019 survey by Hotwire found that
47% of internet users had ditched products and services from a brand that violated their personal values, where protecting the environment topped the list.
As you look toward pivoting your retail business toward an ecommerce and home delivery model, it’s important to look at how others have been able to make this shift profitable, as well as environmentally friendly. But this is often difficult to execute in a home delivery model.