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the studio said the president today while sitting in the cabinet room in the west wing. we ll talk about it when the 11th hour continues. #stuffynose #nosleep i got it. #mouthbreather yep, we ve got a mouth breather. well just put on a breathe right strip and. pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone so you can breathe. .and sleep. go to breatheright.com today to request a free sample.
marie: president trump, he understands the financial world very well. he could give that sign and they could really put more pressure on china. and they haven t yet. sandra: i think we will leave it there. more to get to. could these two fbi officials you ve heard so much about be responsible for improper agency leaks to the press? new blue link to test messages prompting the justice department to look into just that. plus president trump s lawyers responding to a possible special request to interview trump himself. what can we expect? to set put an end to the probe once and for all? yea, so, mom s got this cold #stuffynose #nosleep i got it. #mouthbreather