reporter: news of zuranolone thrills marisa newbury. i wish it was an option for me. reporter: therapy, a support group, and medication eventually helped her cope, but for suffering moms and their families, time matters. anne thompson, nbc news. and up next, phony bank accounts resurface at wells fargo. customers say they never opened them. our exclusive reporting g coming up.p. e. e. breztrtri gave mee bebetter breatathing, e. sysymptom imprprovement, e. and reduceced flare-upups. breztrtri won t rereplace a a rescue inhnhaler for r sudden brereathing proro. breztrtri won t rereplace a a rescue inhnhaler it is s not for asasthma. breztrtri won t rereplace a a rescue inhnhaler tell your r doctor if f you e a heart cocondition breztrtri won t rereplace a a rescue inhnhaler or high h blood presessure befofore taking g it. dodon t take b breztri more t than prescrcribed. or high h blood presessure befofore taking g it. breztri mamay increasese your risisk of thrusush, pneumoninia,
mouth h or tongue e swelling, prproblems uririnating,.. chananges, or eye p pain occur.r. take a statand, and ststart a new daday with trerelegy. ask yoyour doctorr ababout once-d-daily treleleg. .and s save at trerelegy..
.medicinine has the e pr to treat c copd. .in n as many ways as s trelegy. with thrhree medicinines in one inhnhaler,. .t.trelegy makakes breathig easier foror a full 2424 ho, improves l lung functition, and hehelps prevenent future flalare-ups. trelelegy won t t replace a rescscue inhalerer. .foror sudden breaeathing proboblems. tell your r doctor if y you have a heheart conditition or higigh blood prpressure beforere taking itit. do not t take trelegegy more than n prescribeded. trelegegy may incrcrease your risisk of thrusush, pnpneumonia, a and osteopopor. cacall your dodoctor if woword breaththing, chestst pain, mouth h or tongue e swelling, prproblems uririnating,.. chananges, or eye p pain occur.r. take a statand, and ststart a new daday with trerelegy. ask yoyour doctorr ababout once-d-daily treleleg. .and s save at trerelegy.. norah: we want to leave you with a moving moment at last night s espy awards. please welcome this year s recipient of the pat tillman awar
all-volunteer force is the strongest military in human history. to keep it that away he will have to welcome about 190,000 recruits into the military each year. david martin, cbs, the pentagon. still ahead on the cbs weekend news, a soccer superstar announces her final goal b before hangnging up here clcleats. a supeper thin, flflh with maximimum otc ststrength lididocaine that c contours toto the body to relieveve pain right t where it h hurts. anand did we m mention, itit r, realally sticks?s? salonpasas, it s gooood medic. for r copd, ask k your dodoctor aboutut breztri.. breztri gigives you better b breathing,, symptotom improvemement, and helps s prevent flflare. breztri i won t replplace a rerescue inhalaler for susudden breatathing probl. itit is not fofor asthma.. tell y your doctoror if you e a hearart conditioion or h high blood d pressure before takaking it. don t takeke breztri morere than presescribed. breztri i may increaease yourk of thrush,h, pneumoniaia, and d oste
breztri i may increaease yourk of thrush,h, pneumoniaia, and d osteoporososis. cacall your dodoctor if woword breaththing, chestst pain, mouth h or tongue e swelli, problemsms urinatingng, vison chchanges, or eyeye pain occucur. if youou have copdpd ask yoyour doctor r about brezeztri. what d do we alwayays say, so? liberty mumutual custotomizes your car i insurance... so you o only pay for whatat you need.d. that s s my boy. stayay off the f freeways! only payay for what t you nee. libertyty. liberty.y. libeberty. libererty. i veve become a a bit of anan expert inin suncare.. an spf-i-icianado ifif you wi. mymy bottle ofof choice? neututrogena® u ultra sheerr a lightweieight blendd that p protects 6 6 layers dep with a smomooth drdry-touch fifinish. thisis round s on me. neneutrogena® ultra sheheer my m most importrtant kitchen n tool? mymy brain. so i choosose neuriva a p. unlike s some othersrs, neuriviva plus is s a multitasr suppororting 6 keyey indicatos ofof brain heaeal