Bhare Naina From Ra.One To Afreeda From Dil Bechara â Bollywood Songs That Deserved Better Films To Shine
It happens a lot of times that a song hits you right in the gut but the movie sadly is not even half as effective as the song.
Bhare Naina, Afreeda, Tu Muskura, Songs That Deserved Better Films(Pic Credit: IMDb)
Indian films and music is a love story the whole world is fascinated by. Can you even imagine Bollywood separated from songs one day, and there is no tune to the tales we watch? At least not me. For a boy born in the 90s, Gulzar Sahabâs Beedi Jalaile defined party, and Suraj Hua Madham was the anthem for first love. There is no way music can be kept away from our films, and the nightmare is unimaginable.