Mass shootings and violence killed and wounded people across the U.S. over the weekend, including 60 in the Chicago area alone. The shootings happened in cities and rural areas alike.
Mass shootings and violence killed and wounded people across the U.S. over the weekend, including 60 in the Chicago area alone. The shootings happened in cities and rural areas alike.
Mass shootings and violence killed and wounded people across the U.S. over the weekend, including 60 in the Chicago area alone. The shootings happened in cities and rural areas alike.
CHICAGO (AP) — Mass shootings and violence killed and wounded people across the United States this weekend, including at least 60 shot in the Chicago area alone. Four people were
Mass shootings and violence killed and wounded people across the U.S. over the weekend, including 60 in the Chicago area alone. The shootings happened in cities and rural areas alike.