The Mountain Top Joint Sanitary Authority (MAJSA) rescinded, at least temporarily, a resolution adopted in May that could impact more than 600 homeowners across Mountain Top.
The inaction of the Commonwealth Finance Authority on Local Share Account (gaming grant) applications submitted by area government leaders has begun to impact the finances of at least one municipality.
Late in 2019, Fairview Twp. applied for $381,166.50 to pave the municipal building parking lot and capital improvements for Park Lane North and Deerpath. It also asked for a $47,513.25 gaming grant for a new police SUV.
The Commonwealth Financing Authority, which reviews and awards the gaming grants, has not met since early in 2019 and as a result, municipalities not only did not receive the grants, but donât know when planning their 2021 budgets how much, if any of the money for which they applied, they will receive.