Grant Union/Prairie City/Monument’s Lukas Blood slides into home plate during his team’s 4-0 victory over Irrigon on May 10, 2024, at Malone Field in John Day.
Dan K. Wiley, a candidate to become the national commander of the American Legion, stopped by the Blue Mountain Eagle office on Monday, April 22, 2024.
I'll start by writing, that I grew up in Hartford, Kentucky in Ohio County and I don't think I'm a sorehead Although when I looked up the meaning of sorehead, it says a person who is in a bad temper or (he/she) is easily irritated. Now, I think in my advanced years, I can relate.
Grant Union/Prairie City’s Mariana Kostiuk looks to get to her feet from the bottom position against Vale’s Abby Castro at the Grant Union wrestling tournament. Kostiuk would win the match