This Friday marks the last in a series of Legacy Parades put on by the town of Vail, Vail Mountain and the Colorado Snowsports Museum. The event honors the legacy of the 10th Mountain Division,…
Where: Vimeo, register at
When: Tuesdays through March 9, 7 p.m.
How much: Suggested donation $10/stream or $60 for the 8-part series
More info: Streams are available on-demand for 36 hours following the 7 p.m. start
With a new initiative to digitize vintage footage of old Aspen and a new streaming version of its popular Retro Film Series online, the Aspen Historical Society is taking viewers into a time machine this winter.
The eight-part weekly series runs through mid-March on Vimeo through March 9, buffeted by many newly digitzed and long unseen films.
In addition to the unearthed footage screening at the series, the archival team at the Historical Society is working to digitize much more for future viewing. The nonprofit recently earned grants from the Fred and Elli Iselin Foundation and the Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board.