A 5.8-mile drainage and pavement improvement project has started between Greybull and Basin on U.S. Highway 16/20. The $3.8 million project includes drainage improvements. That work has …
A $9.2 million highway improvement and fence replacement project on U.S. Highway 14/16/20E is starting this week with pipe work about 13 miles east of Cody. “Motorists should expect …
A $4.16 million pavement improvement project is scheduled to begin late this week between Deaver and the Wyoming-Montana state line on U.S. Highway 310/Wyo. Highway 789. Mountain Construction …
Chip sealing is scheduled on Wyo. Highway 37 (mileposts 0-3) on Monday, June 19. The entire schedule has been moved back a week due to inclement weather early this month, according to a …