Brussels, ultimately its a consens consensusdriven institution. You are not going to have consensus. But you will have a large majority of the e. U. Member states accepting to take up to 160,000 refugees to be resettled. This is a tiny number relative to both the need and the numbers of people that have been coming in. So it is going to be left up to places like germany to actually lead the way, a coalition of the willing to actually be able to do things that perhaps not every member of the European Union is willing to do. Yeah, we know not all of the members are willing to do what germany wants, if that were not to happen, what is at stake for the refugees or until a system is established . Well, i suspect that what were going to see is an agreement that were going to have reception and Processing Centers in several places in europe, certainly in italy, greece, and possibly hungary. And coming up with an external Processing Center as a means of relieving some of the pressure on the gr