Launched at Rs 14,999, Moto G51 comes with a 120Hz FHD+ display, a 50MP triple camera setup and a good battery. So should you buy it? Let us find out in the review.
Motorola has launched Moto G51 in India at an attractive price point. The smartphone comes with a Snapdragon 480 Plus SoC, 50-megapixel camera and more.
Motorola Moto G51 is set to launch in India this week. The smartphone manufacturer has confirmed to launch the upcoming Moto phone with support for 5G support. Check launch date, expected specifications and price.
The Moto G51 is confirmed to arrive on December 10 in India. The smartphone will be powered by the Snapdragon 480+ chipset, 50-megapixel triple rear cameras and a 5000mAh battery. Here’s everything we know about Moto G51 ahead of the India launch.