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Lou has followed the markets for more than two decades, developing extensive contacts including industry leaders, consultants, regulators, and labor representatives. He spends a lot of time these days focused on the industrials and financials. When not arguing on Twitter or writing about the markets, Lou spends his free time out in nature, complaining online about the Baltimore Orioles or Watford FC, or listening to early 1990s alt rock.
Follow @louwhiteman
Media company Morning Brew has enjoyed strong growth since its founding barely six years ago. The pandemic posed the biggest challenge in the company s short history. Morning Brew, like most, switched to remote working due to COVID-19, requiring its leaders to change their approach.
Author Bio
Lou has followed the markets for more than two decades, developing extensive contacts including industry leaders, consultants, regulators, and labor representatives. He spends a lot of time these days focused on the industrials and financials. When not arguing on Twitter or writing about the markets, Lou spends his free time out in nature, complaining online about the Baltimore Orioles or Watford FC, or listening to early 1990s alt rock.
Follow @louwhiteman
Morning Brew has grown from a dorm room start-up to a $75 million media company in less than six years.
Its initial product, a business-focused newsletter aimed at millennials, has grown to 300,000 subscribers in part thanks to the success of the company s aggressive referral program.
During a Jan. 16 appearance on
Motley Fool Live, Morning Brew co-founder Alex Lieberman spoke with Motley Fool Marketing Manager Margaret Powell about how Lieberman and co-founder Austin Rief managed the crisis, including some of the creative ideas they considered to help keep revenue coming in so that employees could be paid.
Margaret Powell: Obviously, it s been a really unique and challenging landscape, and like the pandemic is playing such a huge role in that. Over the past 12 calendar months in 2020, how did the pandemic change your approach to marketing and selling ad space? There was [inaudible] going on in this past year, and that has definitely affected our approach. What does that look like on your side?
Author Bio
Lou has followed the markets for more than two decades, developing extensive contacts including industry leaders, consultants, regulators, and labor representatives. He spends a lot of time these days focused on the industrials and financials. When not arguing on Twitter or writing about the markets, Lou spends his free time out in nature, complaining online about the Baltimore Orioles or Watford FC, or listening to early 1990s alt rock.
Follow @louwhiteman
Morning Brew co-founder Alex Lieberman had to learn a lot on the go over the six years he spent guiding his media company from a dorm room project to a $75 million enterprise.