Bengaluru: The mangalya chain, weighing 72 grams and valued at around Rs 4.5 lakh, went missing during the operation. Despite a week passing since the incident, the hospital management is conducting an internal inquiry, with the police also involved in the investigation. The victim s husband, Udhay, is awaiting clarification on the matter before settling the hospital bill.
In one of the case studies presented at a private hospital, a 30-year-old woman sought help due to the inability to conceive after a year of trying. Despite both her and her partner being in good health, a detailed history revealed no contributory factors, except for both of them smoking ten cigarettes per day. Their examinations and relevant tests were within normal limits.
Mysuru: Motherhood Hospital in collaboration with various colleges, women’s groups and Inner Wheel Club of Mysore West, Rotary Club of Mysore West, Ka.