New Paris holds monthly village council meeting
By Anthony Baker -
Residents and elected officials discussed maintenance, crime, and traffic-related issues during a heated village council meeting on Monday, May 3.
Submitted photo
NEW PARIS Residents and elected officials discussed maintenance, crime, and traffic-related issues during a heated village council meeting on Monday, May 3.
Ida Shafer, who lives on Water Street on the west side of the village, stated that she had been threatened by another property owner on the street after complaining about drug and prostitution-related arrests taking place at one of his properties during previous council meetings.
Commissioners discuss annexation agreements, summer youth programs
By Abigail Miller -
GREENVILLE The Darke County Board of Commissioners met Monday afternoon to discuss annexation agreements, summer youth programs, and to signed a County Government Day proclamation. Commissioners Matt Aultman, Mike Stegall, and Larry Holmes were all present.
The board approved two petitions to annex over 16 acres of Wayne Township to the village of Versailles. The first petition that was signed by the commissioners includes 1.205 acres of Wayne Township territory located near K of C Hall, on St. Rt. 47 just outside of Versailles. The second petition signed includes 15.025 acres of Wayne Township territory located along Southeastern Versailles and includes a new housing development. The village will run new water and sewage lines from the territory to Eastern Versailles.