Medicii, profesorii sau militarii sunt categoriile care ar putea fi obligate să se vaccineze sau să se testeze săptămânal, o decizie urmând a se lua în curând.
Vineri, 27 August 2021 - Directia de Sanatate Publica Suceava a solicitat administratiei locale detasarea unor politisti la cele doua centre de vaccinare anticovid din municipiul resedinta de judet pentru a rezolva problema numarului tot mai mare de solicitari de vaccinare anticovid fictiva, a declarat medicul coordonator al campaniei de vaccinare in judetul Suceava, dr. Dana Costea.
development ooze mment has stea declined over the years. at stake is winning the race to be first on best from everything from green energy to self-driving cars but that s more important is the very nature of science itself. ideally, scientific inquiries should be untampered by authoritarians or state interference. little in china is free from either but increasingly the american government has shown a willingness to interfere, as wel well. it s cracking down on scientists and influence at american reserve institutions. this led to the departure of three scientists and raised fears of racial profiling from asian american scientists all over the country. the department of energy issued a memo banning scientists from