I’m led to a ramshackle table with several paper-cup towers and two long, unlabelled bottles of clear liquid. One hour later, in fluent Georgian, I explained not only the general secrets of the universe to my new friends, but for the first time since I could remember, I knew exactly what to do.
What grows well and the best things to do at what time is very different if you live in California or Pennsylvania, as opposed to right here in East Texas.
What grows well and the best things to do at what time is very different if you live in California or Pennsylvania, as opposed to right here in East Texas.
What grows well and the best things to do at what time is very different if you live in California or Pennsylvania, as opposed to right here in East Texas.
What grows well and the best things to do at what time is very different if you live in California or Pennsylvania, as opposed to right here in East Texas.