Conspiracy to Kill U.S. Nationals; Conspiracy to Murder U.S. Employees; Conspiracy to Use Weapons of Mass Destruction Against U.S. Nationals; Conspiracy to Destroy Property of the U.S.; Conspiracy to Attack National Defense Utilities; Bombing Resulting in Death; Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction Against U.S. Nationals; Murder While Using Destructive Device During a Crime of Violence; Murder of Federal Employees; Attempted Murder of Federal Employees
Damage by Means of Fire or an Explosive; Damage by Means of Fire or an Explosive to United States Property; Transport in Interstate Commerce an Explosive; Destruction of Motor Vehicles or Motor Vehicle Facilities; Conspiracy to Commit Offense or Defraud the United States; Aiding and Abetting; Assault of a Federal Officer in the Line of Duty; Commission of a Crime of Violence Through the Use of a Deadly Weapon or Device
Conspiracy to Commit Assault and Damage Property; Conspiracy to Commit Murder; Murder; Aircraft Sabotage; Damaging Aircraft Used in Foreign Commerce; Placing Bombs on Aircraft; Assault; Attempted Aircraft Sabotage; Aiding and Abetting