Erickay Chambers, a 22-year-old mathematics teacher at William Knibb High School, was crowned Miss Trelawny Festival Queen 2023 on Saturday night. The second runner-up was Bathsheda Harris; Jamelia Green, who won the Best Performer sectional prize.
From a field of nine contestants, who all embodied the theme ‘The Jamaican Woman: Strong, Dignified, Creative’, Jhanielle Powell was last Saturday night crowned Miss Kingston and St Andrew Festival Queen at a well-attended event held at the Alfred.
MANDEVILLE, MANCHESTER: What started out as hope that she would receive a return on the invested time and effort ended in the most favourable outcome for 23-year-old Donale Bryan, who copped the crown and title of Miss Manchester Festival Queen.
Sherai Campbell, founder of Youth of Three Hills Community Club, was crowned Miss St Mary Festival Queen for 2023. The announcement was made during the parish coronation held on Saturday, June.
Radio personality and student of The University of the West Indies Shanecia Daley is the 2023 Jamaica Cultural Development Commission's (JCDC) Miss Clarendon Festival Queen.
She was chose.