Most Clarence Thomas hit pieces can’t stand up to perfunctory scrutiny. But the newest doesn’t even make any sense.
In a new five-person-bylined article, anti-Supreme Court outfit ProPubli.
His enemies have yet to offer any instance where this justice has deviated from his long-held legal philosophy of adherence to the Constitution as written.
In a new five-person-bylined article, anti-Supreme Court outfit ProPublica takes a decades-old offhand complaint Clarence Thomas made about his salary and spins it into a nefarious conspiracy.
Most Clarence Thomas hit pieces can't stand up to perfunctory scrutiny. But the newest doesn't even make any sense. In a new five-person-bylined article, anti-Supreme Court outfit ProPublica takes a decades-old, offhand complaint the justice made about his salary and spins it into a nefarious conspiracy. In 2000, Thomas apparently groused about his pay to…