Lynch Asset Management Inc. lowered its position in Boston Properties, Inc. (NYSE:BXP – Get Rating) by 59.3% in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund owned 5,050 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock after selling 7,350 shares […]
Barclays cut shares of Boston Properties (NYSE:BXP – Get Rating) from an overweight rating to an equal weight rating in a report published on Thursday morning, Marketbeat reports. Barclays currently has $57.00 price objective on the real estate investment trust’s stock. A number of other research analysts have also commented on the stock. began […]
The Goldman Sachs Group assumed coverage on shares of Boston Properties (NYSE:BXP – Get Rating) in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday, The Fly reports. The brokerage issued a neutral rating and a $56.00 target price on the real estate investment trust’s stock. Other research analysts also recently issued research reports about the […]
Boston Properties, Inc. (NYSE:BXP – Get Rating)’s stock price rose 4.6% during mid-day trading on Friday . The company traded as high as $49.81 and last traded at $49.54. Approximately 2,547,147 shares were traded during mid-day trading, an increase of 56% from the average daily volume of 1,632,739 shares. The stock had previously closed at […]