people like that though, state and local income tax. this was the big kahuna of difference in my views. the senate says none of that is deductible. the house as you can only deduct up to $10,000 in property taxes. i was really wondering, how much money is that? how much money are the republicans taking back here? it s a $1.25 trillion over ten years. this is how they are paying for their tax reform. shepard: the two bills are also split on deductions. medical expects deduction. they say they are out of here. a 7.5%. if you have medical expenses that are more than 7.5% of your income come you couldn t deduct that right now. you let say you have something awful and have to pay for, the senate would preserve this. there s also mortgage interest deduction caps that capped it at 500,000. you can deduct the interest on that. 1 million or over. that you and i talked a lot about student loan deduction.