As an exercise in pure, shameless fan service,
Mortal Kombat (2021) certainly honors not just the 90s video game series it adapts, but also its cinematic predecessors. Shot and lit like a mature TV movie that just happens to be arriving in theaters and via HBO Max this weekend,
Mortal Kombat does excel in two areas the franchise used to pull its punches in: this is one bloody, gory, fight simulation with some stupendous choreography.
The film deserves a lot of credit for acknowledging this supposedly obvious fact, that what drove kids and adults to countless hours hunting for fatalities was the game’s visceral content and devotion to ultra violence. The previous films certainly took notes from the basic story of the games, but their PG-13 ratings felt like a total misfire, an excuse to dumb down the accessibility of the film’s appeal so they could sell more tickets and toys.
Mortal Kombat Review: A Bloody, Mostly Good Time
The new
Mortal Kombat reboot movie has been a long time coming, and while some of the stitching from over the years that holds the whole thing together is very much apparent in its construction, it’s still a very bloody and mostly good experience. If you go into the movie expecting deadly fights between well-trained fighters, that’s more or less what you get. If you’re looking for anything significantly deeper than that, perhaps look elsewhere.
If you haven’t been following along with the promotional blitz, the movie centers on MMA fighter and new character for the franchise Cole Young (Lewis Tan), who is totally unaware of his heritage and connection to the Mortal Kombat tournament and maybe not even currently up to the task. The how and why Young gets entangled with all of this has been something of a mystery leading up to release, but the movie isn’t precious about holding back and largely explains what’s up within 1