Of two impeachment inquiry hearings, the Intelligence Committee has gavelled out for votes on the house floor, and they have wrapped up as i said part 1 of two hearings today. We want to get your thoughts and what you have heard so far. 2027488921 for republicans and 2027488822 for independents and for democrats 2027488920. And if we have others then we will wait for the calls. Lets me show you what President Trump had to say earlier today about the testimony. Please, go. Can you tell us i dont know him. I dont know as he Said Lieutenant colonel, and somebody had the misfortune of calling him mister and he corrected them, but i never saw the man. He wears the uniform when he goes n butin, but dont know vi. Even he said that the transcript is correct. And if anybody reads the tran scripts and i had two calls from the president of ukraine and there was no pressure, none whatsoever ax and th whatsoever, and they probably cant understand what is going on with this country, but vindman, i w