WHAT: Trumbull County Board of Developmental Disabilities organizational / regular meeting Monday
PRESENT: Kevin Reilly, Dominic Albanese, Elizabeth Calderone, Mary Cunningham, Mauro DiVieste, Jodi Glasser and Larry Larson
The board:
• Named Reilly as president, Calderone as vice president, and DiVieste as secretary;
• Approved committee appointments: Cunningham, ethics; Calderone, personnel; DiVieste, finance; Glasser, program / policy; and Larson, building / grounds / maintenance;
• Administered the oath of office to new terms for Reilly, DiVieste and Larson;
• Recalled Mary Stiver as classroom assistant effective Jan. 4 at $24,669 to fill the vacancy due to the retirement of Nancy Mancini as classroom assistant effective Dec. 31. Mancini had been with the program since August 1995;