Some juicy details have recently surfaced about AMD's upcoming Zen architectures, straight from the LinkedIn profile of one of their engineers. This content has since been removed, but as expected from the Internet, someone was fast enough to take a screenshot. According to the engineer's profile (via Wccftech), he was heavily involved in power management …
From Virgil to Ovid, many have heard the myth of Orpheus and his “half-regained Eurydice,” but few have taken the time to examine the story from the heroine’s point of view.
there isn t a negotiated settlement, there isn t a negotiated settlement, there isn t a negotiated settlement, there is endless industrial action which it believes orpheus could be putting lives at risk? surely some people watching this would think, actually, that s quite sensible, to have some minimum provision to keep a basic, safe level of service? but if workers a basic, safe level of service? but if workers can t a basic, safe level of service? emit if workers can t take industrial if workers can t take industrial action, then they have got no way of exercising the pressure required to negotiate a settlement, and the fact of the matter is that all these disputes will ultimately be resolved by negotiation, and the answer to the current problem is to resolve them now by negotiation, and not wait for strikes to create the pressure on government to negotiate appropriate settlements. what is being done here is yet further withdrawal of the right to strike in a way that is much grea