Morocco is prosecuting a Spanish journalist over allegations that the country has used the Israeli-produced Pegasus spy programme, Raialyoum has reported. Other legal cases involving the kingdom are a.
EU Condemns Morocco Over Use of Migrant Children to Apply Political Pressure to Spain
On 6/10/21 at 2:47 PM EDT
European Union officials accused Morocco of putting the lives of migrant children at risk in an attempt to apply political pressure on Spain after 1,200 unaccompanied minors entered Ceuta last month.
The children were among the 8,000 people who tried to enter the EU territory where they could apply for asylum. Morocco has since taken back most of the migrants.
The lawmakers said they rejected Morocco s use of border control and migration, and unaccompanied minors in particular, as political pressure against an EU nation. They were outraged that children and families were putting their lives and safety at clear risk.