that? sure. there s a guy named andy hemming, the director of rapid response at the white house. a talented guy. he is departing the white house. we re breaking that in playbook this morning. sources say there was a mutually agreed upon departure, and this comes as a lot of white house staffers look at their futures and say, you know, do i want to continue working for a president where there doesn t seem to be a lot of support in the public and, you know, it s a really tough work environment where the president undercuts senior staffers on a regular basis. almost seven months into this administration you can saferly say the administration has not settled down yet. daniel lipman live for us in washington d.c. thank you. thank you. some of hillary clinton s closest aides are weighing in on the excerpts her book first shared on i on morni morning jo yesterday. here is what she was thinking during the town hall debate where donald trump was seen lurking behind her. well, what w