good afternoon to you. is senator mccain concerned that the president is coming after him like that? reporter: he says he s not, heather. senator mccain told me a little while ago that the reason he s not concerned about this kind of fight maybe affecting the fight over seas against terrorists is that president trump has a lot of good people around him. i rely to a large degree on the national security team that i am very good friends with for many years. general maddis, general flynn, general kelly. i have known them all many years and i have worked very closely with them. i talked with general maddis again this morn. reporter: i also had a chance to speak with joni ernst about this. she is a republican and veteran and she s declining to take sides. she just hopes everybody can work together to improve the military. heather? heather: all right peter. so tell us about this. democrats taking sides in the fight. reporter: yeah. democratic senators are taking senator mccain s si
of americans oppose the executive order on immigration, 47% are in favor of it. it is equally split. very much down, down party lines. much more republicans like it than democrats do. alice, my colleague, michael smerkonish on his program this morn posed an interesting question, saying should the president walk away from this and say to his supporters look i tried to do this like i promised on the campaign trail and the courts screwed it up or whatever he wants to say. and then move on to other things? do you think it behooves him to fight this one out tooth and nail? absolutely. behooves him to continue this fight. this was a cornerstone of his presidential campaign. to secure the borders, keep america safe. protect our sovereignty. and he will, with every fiber in his being, continue this fight and i think he should. alice, as you know, many have pointed to this order and say
the likes in which the world has never seen. there are plenty of other antecede antecedent. i am getting tired of are heading him about using that to talk about how great his victory night was. this is not presidential. it represents a movement to challenge the status quo. would you describe the size of this movement? there may be a movement, but he literally says the likes of which the world has never seen. that the world has never seen anything like this movement. lots of stories that he is a president like no other. we know that president trump talks about his victories with morn leaders. what s the tonight of that.
90%. it will rain on and off all day. you ll have that mist and drizzle kind of day so just get ready for the umbrellas. we talked about that earlier today. you can have them on the mall and you can have them on the parade route. you can t have them if you have seats. they will take them away from you but even if you have them they have to be the very, very small ones. not the big long ones like the joker carried. all right. red skies in the morn, sailors be warned. thank you for the report. let us know if anything changes. let s talk about this historic day and what is the first order of business when you have our republican controlled white house and congress in full effect. we have kevin brady, house deputy and also chairman of the ways and means committee. let s put up that picture for our audience of the sunrise.
madison iii crossed it. ainsley: it was not questioning. returning stolen baby from toys r us. brian: he did a follow up tweet. steve: terrible. 7:11 in new york city. heather joins us with headlines. what little girl doesn t want to sit on her grandfather s lap. that is terrible. hope you re off to good day. in florida there is desperate search to catch and armed and dangerous cop killer. police upping the rewarded to $100,000 for this man. please take a close look. around the clock manhunt for march keefe lloyd intensifying this morn. march markief. they received hundreds of tips so far. new report confirming what we already new, veterans not getting care they need.