Ahead of the issue opening, the firm raised about Rs 1,176 crore in the anchor round, where Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, ADIA, and Custody Bank of Japan were among the investors.
Go Digit IPO got a healthy response. The company s shares are trading at a premium of Rs 25 in the unlisted market. The issue was booked nearly 10 times at close on strong interest from retail and institutional buyers.
Go Digit shares were trading with a GMP of Rs 50 in the unlisted market when the IPO opened for subscription. However, it has seen a consistent slide in the past few days and is currently trading with a premium of just Rs 25.
Network18 organized a three-day Election Yatra of Uttar Pradesh, bringing together an eclectic group of business leaders, CEOs, investors, and diplomats to witness the Lok Sabha elections.