Local shoppers need to be aware of recent changes to Walmart's coupon policy. Customers are now limited to four identical coupons per product, per day. Any coupons not accepted by the register will not be honored. Cash back will no longer be given for coupons that exceed the cost of the item.
Local shoppers need to be aware of recent changes to Walmart's coupon policy. Customers are now limited to four identical coupons per product, per day. Any coupons not accepted by the register will not be honored. Cash back will no longer be given for coupons that exceed the cost of the item.
Local shoppers need to be aware of recent changes to Walmart's coupon policy. Customers are now limited to four identical coupons per product, per day. Any coupons not accepted by the register will not be honored. Cash back will no longer be given for coupons that exceed the cost of the item.