Mordechai Bates, a prospective medical student, found himself delivering kosher groceries from his Honda sedan in summer 2019 instead of preparing for school. Milwaukee s only all-kosher market had shut down recently, and there was a gap to fill.
Now his business, QuicKosher, fills a 1,000-square-foot storefront at 4833 W. Burleigh St. and its stock includes more than 200 items just for Passover, which begins March 27.
Bates rents the building on Burleigh a half block from the defunct market, Kosher Meat Klub at 4731 W. Burleigh St.
“I wanted something close to the old one so everyone could feel it was a continuation of their former service,” he said. But he didn t want to take on the expense of the larger Meat Klub spot, he said.