Last year ended on a rather low note for many Liberians with the wave of alleged ritualistic, serial killings which instilled fear across the country. Communities and residents were on the brink of paranoia. Thus is upsetting the way of life fo
By Edward D. Stemn in Maryland County
While an investigation is ongoing to arrest and prosecute those connected to the murder of Mordecai Nyemah in Maryland County, the Liberia National Police (LNP) has reportedly arrested 25 persons who were allegedly associated with the burning of the premises of Speaker Bhofal Chambers and vandalizing of prison center and police station in Pleebo and Harper.
The violent protest sparked up during the peaceful protest that called on the government to investigate and bring perpetrators to justice the murderers of Mordecai. The perpetrators of the violent protest were reported earlier to have acted on provocative actions by the police that led a protester to sustain injury.
House Speaker Chambers on Maryland “gboyo” killing
Seemingly appearing unembarrassed by the arson attack on his properties in Pleebo, Maryland County, House Speaker, Dr. Bhofal W. Chambers has said that he wants the culprits of the recent murder of a young student of the Pleebo High School in Maryland County to be the primary focus of the security apparatuses under the joint security efforts restoring law order and civility.
Speaker Chambers says whilst he acknowledges the efforts of GOL joint security operations in the County following acts of civil disobedience and anarchy, he equally believes that focusing mostly on what triggered the citizens’ action to behave in such a manner in Pleebo and Harper Cities should be investigated to the core.
Disenchanted Liberian Mourners Vow to Gang up Against Secret And Mysterious Killings in Liberia; Plan to Memorialize Citizens Who Deaths Are Unexplainable
Disenchanted Liberian Mourners Vow to Gang up Against Secret And Mysterious Killings in Liberia; Plan to Memorialize Citizens Who Deaths Are Unexplainable
Jethro Emmanuel Kolleh (In black suit) along with other mourners
MONROVIA Scores of disenchanted Liberian mourners under the banner: Citizens United Against Secret Killings (CUASK), have vowed to memorialize and petition the Government of the United States of America (USA) and other foreign missions operating in Liberia to help end the growing wave of mysterious deaths and “secret killings” in the country.