i m no stranger to the young turks. they have been coming after me for years and i would be remiss to not point out the fact that i m not going to disgrace the memory of those 9/11 victims and people like dan crenshaw who paid so much for the country but he has his first amendment rights. he can say those things, horrible, viral, shameful, disrespectful those comments may have been he does have the right to say it. but in saying that we also have the right to say this. i say how dare this rhetoric be allowed to be on the internet, to be spoken period. americans deserved 9/11, you re telling me america deserved for thousands of men and women to lose their lives, we deserved our brothers and sisters to never see their parents again, we deserved our spouses never to see their loved ones again, we deserve parents to bury their own children? it is a morality thing. how dare someone disrespect the
april, the president is saying you have to listen to moore. one person, against up to skith people who either accuse or corroborate the accusers. who are both male and female. he is saying this is because moore denies the accusations. here s the president. he totally denies it. he says it didn t happen. and you know, you have to listen to him also. all right, loud and clear. one man s word over dozens of men and women. just like he did, april, with his own accusers, of course. yeah. well, you know, i m also struck by what the president said as well when he said, you know, roy moore has run several races, and this has never come up. but now is the time for women to speak. and their voices are very loud. the noise is actually deafening, and it s not necessarily noise, but this is now a morality thing. a morality issue. alice hit the nail squarely. it s about what s right over wrong. this makes me think of what
displayed what we hope is selective amnesia about what political hatred really looks like. allow me to add this history lesson just in case the trump sons are watching. your father went out of his way to convince early 90s new york city that a group of black teens should have been executed for a crime they didn t commit. it was your father that we heard bragging on tape about being able to sexually assault women with impunity. not a bridge too far considering his many, many, many comments on female attractiveness. not the least of which being the ones he made to radio host howard stern about your sister ivanka. yeah. you might want to drop the whole morality thing. oh, and just because i can hear again here again is that obama hatred you apparently
elsewhere anyone can snoop and you have to be careful in your birthday home. even if your own home? neil: if you walk by the window. you have to be careful. if you have an open in the curtains and a person looks through this lens that is an issue. lis: maybe i will creed it to you for a second but not the morality. this is wrong. wrong. neil: believe me on the morality thing, that is why we wanted to get to the bottom the pictures and see them. of course, it is very tough. lis: you mean the top of the pictures. neil: she was not hiding much, heidi. i am not here to judge. i m just saying celebrities of any sort think when they step outside even on a balcony and they don t think they are going to be photographed or taped, they are just naive. lis: if you are getting your