UpdatedWed, Dec 16, 2020 at 10:10 am ET
The 7-Eleven at 1302 East Churchville Road, across from the Greenbrier Shopping Center, will be called Moores Mill Convenience. (Google Maps)
BEL AIR, MD What used to be a 7-Eleven on Churchville Road at Moores Mill Road will be reopening Thursday under a different name.
Moore s Mill Convenience will sell beer, wine, Coke and Pepsi products, packaged snacks, bread, milk, candy and health products like Tylenol and Aspirin. It will also have a coffee bar, owner Bipin Patel told the Harford County Liquor Control board Wednesday morning.
Patel s lease had ended with 7-Eleven at the end of November, and the business closed Nov. 30. It had been open there for four years, he said.