New Zealand s only carbon zero bananas
After an intensive programme of assessment and change working with T&G Fresh, Ekos and others, All Good now offers bananas (imported from Ecuador) that are certified Carbon Zero - as well as FairTrade.
Chris and Matt Morrison and Simon Coley, launched All Good by importing New Zealand’s first Fairtrade and organic bananas back in 2010. Their challenge was convincing people that paying a dollar more for an ethical bunch of bananas was a better deal for them, the people who grew them and the planet. Eight years later, thanks to the millions of All Good Bananas purchased by Kiwi families, over 150 small banana farming families in El Guabo, Ecuador are being paid fairly and All Good have been able to contribute more than $1,400,000 back to the El Guabo Association of Small Banana Farmers benefiting their community’s health and wellbeing, education, the sustainability of the land they farm and the surrounding rainforest.
Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr says targeted government policy could do much more for the property market than monetary policy can. (First published November 2020)
As the exchange of passive-aggressive notes between Finance Minister Grant Robertson and Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr seems to be reaching its end, some attention is finally turning to the bigger question of ‘what next?’ Economists and policy wonks will attend a conference at the University of Waikato on Wednesday and Thursday to chart a course at the 2021 NZ Economics Forum themed Economics for Tumultuous Times – Finding the right policy mix in the post-Covid world.
For weeks, I hadn’t applied make-up or styled my hair. That afternoon, I was likely wearing something that resembled pyjamas. Aside from the odd meeting on Google Hangout, all my interviews had been over the phone. My husband had commandeered the study, so my laptop and papers were strewn across the dining table. I cleared a drying rack and yoga mats from behind me before dashing upstairs to apply lipstick and pull a brush through my hair. Of course, I hadn’t ironed anything, so draped a jacket over my shoulders. Right on time, several polished faces with American smiles appeared on my screen. One in particular was tuning in from a home office that looked positively palatial; complete with gilded mirrors and a stone fireplace reminiscent of a medieval castle. I attempted to block our coat stand with my messy bun.
banks. the rock n roll redskins intro. this is nissan sports extra. coming up, a nats rookie has a major deeg debut. a wrap up of the college football scene. first, it is cut day for the redskins. from 80 to 53, there are going to be some heart aches at the 6:00 p.m. deadline today. among the notable redskins who made the roster after speculation they may not, mike sellers, dante stalworth, brandon banks, henderson and paul. one of three pick frs this year s draft picks not to make the final roster. he fumbled on his very first carry in the final preseason game against the bucks. royster is eligible for the eight-man practice squad if he clears waivers and the redskins resign him. offensive lineman maurice hurt were the other draftees who were cut. 23 other players were let go. running back keelanwilliams, artist hicks, horatio blaze and safety chris horton. moore remains on the unable to perform list. the next order for redskins, putting together the team s practice squad